Find the procedure you're looking for here!
Hocking College procedures provide guidance and operational direction for the campus community.
AC-100 :: Academic Affairs Committee Procedures
AC-101 :: Professional Development for Faculty Procedures
AC-102 :: Faculty Credential Committee Procedures
AC-103 :: Catalog in Force Procedures
AC-104 :: Faculty Credentials Procedures
AC-106 :: Credit Hour Procedures
AC-107 :: Attendance Procedures
AC-108 :: Student Background Checks and Health Screening Procedures
AC-109 :: Learning Materials Ordering and Inventory Control Procedures
AC-110 :: Board Examinations and Test Required After Graduation Procedures
AC-111 :: Student Registration Procedures
AC-112 :: Student Uniform Ordering and Distributing Procedures
AC-113 :: Last Day to Drop a Course Procedures
BO-230 :: Facility and Land Use Procedures
BO-250 :: Public Records Procedures
BO-270 :: Annual Planning and Resource Allocation for Facilities and Capital Improvements
BO-271 :: Energy and Sustainability Procedures
BO-290 :: Fleet Operation Procedures
ADM-250 :: Records Retention Procedures
ADM-251 :: Shared Governance Procedures
ADM-252 :: Communications Committee Procedure
FIN-230 :: Student Aid Committee Procedures
FIN-234 :: Budget Advisory Committee Procedures
FIN 237 :: New Employee Lunch Procedure
FIN-239 :: Debt Forgiveness Program
FIN-241 :: Contract Review and Approval Procedures
FIN-243 :: Travel Requests Procedure
FIN-273 :: Stale Payment Controls
SS-408 :: COVID-19 Symptoms and/or Diagnosis
SS-409 :: Campus Health & Safety Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Quarantine Procedures
FAC-271 :: Snow Emergency Procedure
FIN-245 :: Asset Tagging and recording of Assigned Property
HR-311 :: Tuition Reimbursement Procedure
HR-312 :: Resignation Acceptance Procedures
HR-313 :: Onboarding
HR-314 :: Off Boarding Process
HR-315 :: Use of College Property Procedure
HR-316 :: Remote Use of Hocking College Resources
HR-317 :: Supervisor Guidelines for Implementing the Telework Procedure
HR-318 :: Telework Procedure
HR-319 :: Labor Relations Committee
SS-400 :: Athletics Procedures
SS-401 :: Student Experience Committee Procedures
SS-415 :: Hazing Procedures
SS-416 :: Residence Hall Door Access
SS-417 :: Diversity and Inclusion Committee Procedures
SS-418 :: Student Grievance Procedure
MISC-600 :: Grants Procedures
MISC-601 :: Weapons Procedures
MISC-602 :: Procedure on Procedures
MISC-603 :: Safety Committee Procedures
MISC-607 :: Daily Lake Snowden Campsite Check